Christianity Rules of Behavior

by Sister McCook
Christianity Rules of Behavior

When it comes to Christianity, there are a set of rules that followers are expected to abide by.

These rules help to create a sense of order and community within the faith.

While there may be some debate about what these specific rules are, there is general agreement on the most important ones.

In this post, we will discuss some of the most important Christian rules of behavior!

Ten Commandments

One of the most important rules that Christians are expected to follow is the Ten Commandments.

These commandments were given by God to Moses and they provide guidance on how humans should live their lives.

  1. I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me
  2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain
  3. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day
  4. Honor your mother and your father
  5. You shall not kill
  6. You shall not commit adultery
  7. You shall not steal
  8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
  9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife
  10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods

The Ten Commandments cover a wide range of topics, including how we should worship God, how we should treat other people, and what kinds of things we should not do.

The Golden Rule

Another important Christian rule of behavior is what is known as the Golden Rule. This rule is found in the Bible in Matthew 7:12.

The Golden Rule states that we should treat other people the way that we want to be treated.

This simple rule can be applied to many different situations and it is a good way to live your life.

The Great Commission

Another important rule for Christians is the Great Commission.

This commission was given by Jesus Christ to his followers before he ascended into heaven.

The Great Commission can be found in Matthew 28:19-20.

It states that Christians should go out into the world and share the good news of Jesus Christ with others.

This is an important rule because it helps to spread the message of Christianity to those who have not heard it before.

10 Essential Rules of Behavior For Christians

1. Love your neighbor as yourself

One of the most important rules that Christians are expected to follow is to love their neighbor as yourself.

This rule is found in the Bible in Matthew 22:39.

This rule means that we should treat other people with kindness and respect, just as we would want to be treated.

It is a simple but powerful way to live your life.

2. Do unto others what you would have them do to you

Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31.

This is a rule that Christians should live by because it helps to create a sense of community and respect among followers of the faith.

When we treat others with kindness, they are more likely to do the same to us.

3. Forgive those who have wronged you

Another important rule that Christians should follow is to forgive those who have wronged them.

This rule is found in the Bible in Matthew 18:21-22.

This rule is important because it helps to create a sense of peace and unity among Christians.

When we forgive others, it shows that we are willing to move on from the hurt and pain that they have caused us.

It also shows that we are willing to forgive and forget, which is an important part of the Christian faith.

4. Turn the other cheek

Turning the other cheek doesn’t mean that you allow people to take advantage of you.

It doesn’t mean allowing yourself to be abused by others.

This rule means that we should not seek revenge when we are wronged.

Instead, we should forgive those who have hurt us and move on.

5. Do not judge others

As Christians, it is not our job to judge others.

God gave all of us free will because He wanted people to make the decision to serve Him and not be forced to do it.

It’s not our job to judge, it’s His.

When we don’t judge others, it shows that we are willing to see the good in them, even when they make mistakes.

This rule is important because it helps to create a sense of community and respect among Christians.

6. Go the extra mile

This rule means that we should always strive to do more than what is expected of us.

When we go the extra mile, it shows that we are willing to put in the extra effort to help others.

It also means that we are willing to be patient with God and have faith, even in difficult times.

7. Respect others and their beliefs

This rule means that we should always show respect to others, no matter what their beliefs may be.

When we respect others, it shows that we are willing to listen to them and learn about their point of view.

It also shows that we are open-minded and willing to accept others for who they are.

A true Christian does not spend time judging others.

They are too busy being dedicated to God’s work.

And it’s not our place to judge others anyway in the first place.

8. Treat people with kindness and compassion

This rule means that we should always treat others with kindness and compassion.

When we treat others with kindness, it shows that we are caring and considerate of their feelings.

It also shows that we are willing to help them, even if they do not deserve it.

Our actions and thoughts towards others are just as important as how we worship God.

We can’t have a relationship with God while hating others.

They are his creation. You cannot serve God with hate.

You must come from a place of love and it starts with other people.

That doesn’t mean being around people and loving them even when they treat you badly.

It means surrounding yourself with loving people and away from those that don’t show love.

Without hating them.

9. Be humble and not boastful

This rule means that we should always be humble and not boastful.

When we are humble, it shows that we are grateful for what we have been given.

It also shows that we are not better than anyone else.

Being boastful often leads to division and contention, but being humble brings people together.

10. Help those in need

This rule means that we should always help those in need.

When we help others, it shows that we are caring and considerate of their situation.

It also shows that we are willing to go out of our way to help them.

Helping those in need is a great way to show God’s love.


These are just a few of the most important Christian rules of behavior.

There are many other rules that Christians are expected to follow, but these three are some of the most important.

Godly Behavior is important in Christianity and these rules help to guide followers on how they should live their lives.

When it comes to Christianity, there are a set of rules that followers are expected to abide by.

These rules help to create a sense of order and community within the faith.

While there may be some debate about what these specific rules are, there is general agreement on the most important ones.

Following these rules can help to create a strong Christian community and it can also help to spread the message of Christianity to others.

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