Is It Okay for Christians to Use Tarot Cards?

by Sister McCook
Tarot cards on counter

Tarot cards are often associated with fortune-telling, mysticism, and the occult.

Some Christians are wary of tarot because of its reputation and the common misconceptions about it.

But is it a sin for a Christian to use Tarot cards?

The answer isn’t as straightforward as you might think.

As with all things in life, how you view tarot cards will depend on your own personal understanding and beliefs.

There are many different ways that people can look at Tarot and how it aligns with their values as a Christian or doesn’t.

In this article, we’ll take a look at whether Christians can use Tarot cards, what they mean, and whether they have any value for Christians.

What are Tarot cards?

Tarot cards are a type of playing card that has been used for centuries for divination, fortune-telling, and games.

The deck is composed of 78 cards, divided into two unequal parts: the major arcana, which contains 22 cards, and the minor arcana, which contains 56 cards.

The major arcana includes cards such as The Fool, The Tower, and The Devil, while the minor arcana includes suits such as Cups, Swords, and Wands.

Tarot readings typically involve laying out a number of cards from the deck and interpret their meaning in relation to the question at hand.

While tarot readings can be used for entertainment purposes, they are also often used as a way to gain insights into one’s past, present, and future.

What Should Christians Know About Tarot Cards?

Christians should be very careful about using tarot cards.

First of all, we should know that tarot cards are a form of divination.

Divination is based on the belief that we can find out information about the future or about other people by using tools like tarot cards.

Tarot cards are associated with occult practices like magic and witchcraft.

Christians believe that God is the only one who knows the future, and so they should not try to use tarot cards to find out what will happen in the future.

We should also not use tarot cards to try to control other people or to harm them in any way.

If Christians choose to use tarot cards, they should do so with a lot of caution and only for entertainment purposes.

Is It a Sin for Christians to Use Tarot Cards?

Tarot cards are neither good nor evil in and of themselves.

The way Christians use tarot cards will determine whether it is a sin or not.

If a Christian uses tarot cards for entertainment, that is not a sin.

If a Christian uses tarot cards to believe in fortune-telling that has no basis in reality or is done in a way that’s not taken seriously, that is not a sin.

If a Christian uses tarot cards to connect with their spirituality and their relationship with God, that is not a sin.

If a Christian uses tarot cards to connect with their spirituality and their relationship with God and they also believe that the cards provide them with knowledge about the future and events in their life, that is a sin.

The problem with tarot cards is that they are a form of divination.

Divination is not a reliable way of receiving information, as it is not controlled by the person using it.

Whether or not the information the person receives turns out to be true or false has no bearing on the accuracy of their methods.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to use tarot cards is a personal one.

Christians who are considering using tarot cards should prayerfully seek guidance from God before making a decision.

Can Christians Use Tarot Cards for Divination?

The use of tarot cards for divination is based on the belief that the cards can tap into the subconscious mind and reveal hidden truths.

Christians should avoid using divination as a way to receive information about the future, for their own good.

That being said, not all forms of divination are bad.

There are many forms of divination, and some of them are acceptable for Christians to use.

The key is to make sure that the information you receive is reliable, and that you are in control of the process.

The most common form of divination that is acceptable for Christians to use is to read the Bible.

When used in conjunction with prayer, many Christians believe that tarot cards can help them to receive guidance from God.

While there are some who oppose the use of tarot cards on religious grounds, others find them to be a helpful tool for self-exploration and reflection.

Ultimately, whether or not to use tarot cards is a personal decision that each Christian must make for themselves.

Is It Okay for Christians to Use Tarot Cards for Guidance?

Christians should never use tarot cards for guidance.

Christians believe that God is the only one who knows the future, and that it’s not our place to try to predict what will happen.

Tarot cards are often used by people who don’t believe in God, or who are trying to connect with a spiritual realm that they think exists outside of God.

Christians believe that there is only one spiritual realm, and that it’s under God’s control.

Therefore, Christians should never use tarot cards for guidance.

Christians should also be careful not to use other forms of divination, such as astrology or palm reading.

These things are all based on the false belief that we can access knowledge that is not from God.

Christians should only ever seek guidance from God, through prayer and study of the Bible.

Can Christians use Tarot Cards for Meditation?

It’s probably not a good idea to use tarot cards for meditation.

Many Christians believe that tarot cards are a form of divination, which is condemned in the Bible.

While there is no explicit prohibition against using tarot cards for meditation, it would be best to avoid doing so.

There are plenty of other ways to meditate that don’t involve using tarot cards.

If you’re looking for a way to connect with God without using tarot cards, try praying, reading the Bible, or attending a Christian meditation class.

Can Christians use Tarot cards and still have faith in God?

There is no definitive answer as to whether or not Christians can use tarot cards and still have faith in God.

Some people believe that using tarot cards is a form of disobedience that goes against God’s will.

Others believe that tarot cards can be used as a tool for self-reflection and spiritual growth.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual Christian to decide whether or not they feel comfortable using tarot cards.

As long as your intention is to honor God, it is likely that He will forgive you if you happen to use them for the wrong reasons.


Christians have long debated the use of tarot cards, with some believing that they are a form of divination and therefore inappropriate for Christians to use.

However, there are many who feel that tarot cards can be used as a tool for spiritual guidance and self-reflection, without resorting to fortune-telling.

Tarot cards can be traced back to medieval Europe, where they were used as a game similar to modern-day playing cards.

Over time, they developed into a tool for divination, and today they are often used by psychics and mediums to perform readings.

While some Christians believe that tarot cards are rooted in paganism and should be avoided, others see them as a helpful way to connect with God.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to use tarot cards is a personal one but as a rule of thumb, Christians should be careful when using tarot cards.

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