Differences Between Old Testament and New Testament

by Sister McCook
Old Testament and New Testament

The Old Testament and the New Testament are essential books in the Bible. They are very different, but they both have some things in common.

This article will compare the Old and New Testaments to see how they differ. Then, we will discuss what they have in common and why they’re so important.

What are the Old Testament and New Testament?

The Old Testament describes the beginning of God’s plan for humanity and the world. It serves as a guide for faith, morals, and rituals.

While the New Testament is the second part of the Bible, which describes Jesus’ life and ministry on earth.

The New Testament tells us how God’s plan was accomplished through Christ. It also teaches us about how we should live as followers of Christ.

The Old Testament generally acts as a foundation for the New Testament. While most of the Bible consists of the Old Testament, its contents lead toward the Messiah, divulged in the New Testament.

 The New Testament shows how Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of the Messiah and educates us on his teaching and miracles; it also provides us with some of his earliest followers’ writings.

Do we live by the Old Testament or the New Testament?

Some people believe that we should follow everything written in the Old Testament, while others believe that we should only follow what was written in the New Testament.

Neither one of these extreme views is correct, but we must find a balance between them.

When people argue about whether or not we should live by the Old Testament or the New Testament, they usually have different reasons for their arguments.

One group of people believes that Jesus came to abolish certain rules from the Old Testament, such as circumcision and dietary laws (which were part of Judaism).

Another group believes that Jesus came to establish new laws such as baptism and communion (which were part of Christianity).

Both groups have strong arguments behind them, which make it hard to decide who is right on this issue.

Both sides have valid points because Jesus abolished some things while he established other things.

Why is there an Old Testament and a New Testament?

The Old Testament records stories about how God worked through people to bring about his plan for salvation.

It tells stories like Eve and Adam being thrown out of paradise, Noah building an ark, and Abraham sacrificing Isaac on Mount Moriah.

The book ends with the coming of Christ to Earth as a baby born to Joseph and Mary in Bethlehem.

The New Testament contains writings from Jesus’ time on earth and letters he wrote to various churches worldwide after his death at Calvary.

The main message of these letters is that Jesus came not just to save those who believe in him but also those who don’t believe in him yet still need saving, which includes everyone!

Old Testament vs. New Testament contradictions

 Forgiveness of Sins: There are many references to God forgiving sins by sacrificing animals or individuals as a sacrifice for sin (Leviticus 18:21-23) in the Old Testament.

However, in the New Testament, Jesus clearly states that this is not required for forgiveness (Matthew 5:23-24).

Furthermore, In the Old Testament, the people of Israel were commanded by God to kill everyone who did not believe in him. In the New Testament, Jesus says we should love our enemies and forgive them for their sins.

Old Testament vs. New Testament books

The Old and New Testaments are different because they have other books.

The Old Testament contains three parts: the Law, the History, and Prophecy. The New Testament is divided into four parts: Gospels, Letters, Acts, and Catholic Epistles (or Paul’s letters).

The Old Testament was written extensively by different authors and in other languages.

The New Testament was written by one author, Jesus Christ, who lived during a specific period and spoke in his speech (Greek).

Sin in the Old Testament vs. New Testament

In addition to being different in contents and style, the New Testament differs from the Old Testament regarding sin.

The New Testament speaks more about God’s commandments than about sin as an issue between humans and God.

 In contrast, the Old Testament often talks more about sin as an issue between humans and God than about human responsibility for sinning against God’s commands (which is not mentioned in the New Testament).

There are many examples of homosexuality being accepted as normal in the Old Testament. In contrast, there is no record of this happening in the New Testament.

The Old Testament is full of sin, but many ways exist to be a good person. In the New Testament, Jesus says he came to forgive people of their sins and make them right with God.

He also made it clear that we were all sinners, but he was willing to die for our mistakes so that we could be forgiven.

Love in the Old Testament vs. New Testament

The two testaments show a significant difference in how love is expressed. Love is described as “unconditional” love by Jesus Christ (John 13:34) in John 13:35-38; unconditional love is contrasted with conditional love by Elijah (Job 34:11)

In the Old Testament, there is much talk about love, love between people, love for God, etc., but not much action or practice.

In the New Testament, Jesus exemplifies how we should love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:35-40).

He also tells his followers that they must love each other if they want to follow his teachings and actions (John 15:12-25).

These are examples of how we can learn from past mistakes and make better decisions moving forward!

Pentecost in the Old Testament vs. New Testament

We find a strong connection between Pentecost and a commandment to celebrate Passover in the Old Testament.

This commandment is repeated several times in the book of Exodus: “And you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of this month; then all your males shall appear before the Lord your God in the area surrounding Hebron, at their approach to offer their gifts to God.” (Exodus 12:11)

In the New Testament, we find that there is also a strong connection between Pentecost and a commandment to celebrate Passover.

Jesus himself teaches us how we can remember him at this feast: “Now when he had given thanks, he broke it [bread] and ate it” (Luke 22:19).


Though the New and Old Testaments are similar, there are some contrasts between them.

These can be a little difficult to understand, but we must remember that these two books tell the story of God’s people from two different perspectives.

The main difference between these two is in the person of Jesus Christ.

He lived and breathed love, he loved unconditionally, he died on the cross for our sins, he was resurrected three days later through God’s power, he ascended back into heaven, but one day, He will return for those who have faith and trust in Him.

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