Can Christians be Cremated?

by Sister McCook
Woman spread cremated ashes

The topic of cremation among Christians has been a controversial one for many years. There are a number of reasons why some Christians believe that cremation is a sin, while others believe that it is not.

One of the main arguments against cremation is that it goes against the biblical directive to bury the dead. In Genesis, we read about how God instructed Abraham to bury his son, Isaac. And in the New Testament, we see how Jesus was buried after his death.

Some Christians believe that cremation is a desecration of the body and that it denies the resurrection of the dead. Others argue that cremation is simply a more environmentally-friendly way to bury the dead.

What Does The Bible Say About Cremation?

The Bible does not specifically mention cremation, so there is no clear directive from Scripture on whether or not it is permissible. However, there are a few verses that could be interpreted as either for or against cremation.

In Genesis 22:9, we read about how God instructed Abraham to bury his son, Isaac. And in the New Testament, we see how Jesus was buried after his death. Some Christians believe that burying the dead is a biblical mandate and that cremation goes against this directive.

However, others argue that cremation is simply a more environmentally-friendly way to bury the dead. Cremating a body takes less space and uses fewer resources than burying it in the ground. And unlike traditional burials, cremation does not require a casket or vault.


Ultimately, whether or not Christians can be cremated is a matter of personal opinion. There are no clear biblical instructions on the matter, and so each individual Christian must come to their own conclusion.

Some believe that cremation is a sin, while others see it as an acceptable alternative to traditional burial. Whichever way you choose to go, make sure that you have carefully considered all of the implications.

In conclusion, while there are a number of arguments against cremation, ultimately it is up to each individual Christian to decide what they believe. If you do choose to be cremated, make sure that you have considered all of the possible implications. Thanks for reading!

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