Does God Care If You Have Money? A Christian’s Perspective

by Sister McCook
Silver money coins in jar

Money can be a sensitive topic, especially when it comes to religion.

Some Christians believe that wealth is a blessing from God, while others believe that having too much money can be a temptation that leads us away from God.

This question of whether or not God cares if you have money has been debated among Christians for a while.

Some think that being wealthy is a sign of God’s favor, while others believe that it is a trap and that they need to live in poverty to please God. So, does God care if you have money? And, if so, what does it mean for Christians in our modern, complex world?

In this post, we will examine the biblical perspective on wealth and discuss what God has to say about money.

Money is a Gift from God

In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon talks about enjoying the gifts that God has given us.

One of those gifts is wealth. Ecclesiastes 5:19 says, “When God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work–this is a gift of God.”

Solomon acknowledges that wealth is something that comes from God, and it can be enjoyed if it is received with a humble and grateful heart.

How does God view money?

First and foremost, it’s important to understand that God does not think money is evil in and of itself.

In fact, the Bible has many verses that praise money and highlight the good that it can do. It’s the love of money or greed, that is referred to as the root of all evil. – (1 Timothy 6:10).

Money should be a tool for accomplishing good and helping others, rather than a means to seek selfish pleasure.

The Love of Money can be a Root of All Kinds of Evil

The Apostle Paul warns us in 1 Timothy 6:10 that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.

This is not to say that money itself is evil, but rather, the love of it can make people do terrible things.

When we put our trust in money instead of God, it can lead us down a destructive path.

This is why we are urged to be content with what we have and not to love money (Hebrews 13:5).

God Wants Us to Use Our Wealth to Help Others

Throughout the Bible, we see examples of people who used their wealth to help others.

In the book of Acts, we read about a man named Barnabas who sold a field he owned and donated the money to the apostles.

He did this not because he was forced to, but because he wanted to help those in need (Acts 4:36-37).

The Apostle James also encourages us to help the poor and needy.

James 2:15-16 says, “Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, ‘Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?”

We Cannot Serve Both God and Money

Jesus makes it clear in Matthew 6:24 that we cannot serve both God and money.

We will either love one and hate the other or be devoted to one and despise the other. When we serve money, it becomes our master, and we are no longer serving God.

This is why it is important to put our trust and faith in God instead of putting our trust in money.

Seek First the Kingdom of God

Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:33 to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to us.

This means that we should prioritize our relationship with God above all else, and trust that he will provide for our needs.

When we put God first, he takes care of us and blesses us in ways that we could never imagine.

Balancing material success and spiritual growth

While accumulating wealth is not discouraged in the Bible, they are not valued over spiritual growth.

The Bible refers to money as a means to an end, not an end in itself.

It’s important to keep God’s purpose in mind while working toward any financial goals, rather than becoming too focused on material success and forgetting the true reason for prosperity.

God as the owner of our money

In the Bible, it’s mentioned that everything belongs to God, including our money. Psalm 24:1 states, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”

Therefore, it’s essential to manage wealth that we are entrusted with wisely and in a way that honors God.

In practice, this means not allowing greed, arrogance, or selfishness to drive financial decisions.

Instead, we should align our financial decisions with God’s will by being guided by His wisdom and relying on Him for help.

Generosity and stewardship

Money is an excellent tool to make a big impact, whether you use it to give to charitable causes or to upgrade your skills and career.

Financial success should be used to help others and to further God’s kingdom.

Christians should look at money as a resource, dividing it between saving, spending, and giving in a way that maintains balance and purpose.

In addition, financial stewardship means being good stewards of resources and managing them in a way that ensures long-term prosperity.

Is it wrong to be wealthy as a Christian? 

No, it’s not wrong to be wealthy, but it’s crucial to steward our resources in a way that glorifies God.

Wealth often comes with the responsibility to manage it well, so we have to be cautious and humble because, as Christians, our ultimate goal is to honor God, not to accumulate wealth for ourselves.

Jesus encouraged that we shouldn’t worry about our lives’ necessities or money but should instead trust God to provide for us (Matthew 6:25-34).

Why does God bless some people more than others?

God blesses us all differently, according to His will, and for His purposes.

Our responsibility is to use those blessings wisely to give glory to Him, and show love to others.

Remember that everything we have is God’s gift, including our abilities, opportunities, and possessions (Deuteronomy 8:18).

When we trust God with our resources and exercise good stewardship, we can be a channel to bless others.

What happens when we love money more than God?

Loving money more than God creates a mindset of self-sufficiency, greed, and dependence on material possessions, which ultimately leads to destruction and detachment from God.

Wealth can create a sense of false security and can easily turn into a false god that competes with our relationship with God.

A life that’s focused on accumulating wealth instead of serving God is a dangerous trap.

In Matthew 6:24, Jesus says, “You can not serve God and money.” This statement means that we can’t serve two masters, and choosing to pursue money over God can lead to trouble.

How can we honor God with our wealth?

We can honor God with our wealth by recognizing that it’s not ours, but a gift from God that we can use to bless others, serve Him, and further His purposes.

By living below our means, being content, and intentionally sharing what we have (even when it’s difficult), we honor God and open up opportunities for him to bless us in return.

Giving is an act of worship that strengthens our faith and changes our hearts. The Bible calls for us to give generously, cheerfully, and sacrificially (2 Corinthians 9:6-7).

So does God care if you have money?

The answer is yes, but not in the way that we might think. It is not necessarily the amount of money that we have that matters, but rather, our attitude towards it.

God wants us to enjoy the blessings that he has given us, but he also wants us to use those blessings to help others and put our trust in him instead of in money.

As Christians, we should seek to follow the example of Jesus and prioritize our relationship with God above all else.

When we do this, we can trust that he will provide for us and bless us in ways that we could never imagine.

Christians should view money as a tool rather than a source of identity or security.

From the Bible, it’s clear that God doesn’t care about our wealth for wealth’s sake but cares much more about how we use the resources and opportunities that we have.

Striving to align our financial decisions with God’s will while fostering generosity and stewardship is the most effective way to balance material success and spiritual growth.

Understanding God’s view of money and utilizing it in a way that furthers His Kingdom through good works is the ultimate goal for Christians.

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