How to Discern If Something Comes from God

by Sister McCook

As believers, we always seek to do things that are pleasing to God.

One of the challenges we may face is determining whether a prompting, thought, or message comes from God.

We want to be sure that we’re living our lives in accordance with His will and not our fleshly desires.

So, how can you tell if the ideas running through your head or the prompts you’re getting are from God or not?

Let’s dive into the steps you can take to discern if something comes from God.

Pray and Meditate on God’s Word

The first step to discerning if something comes from God is to take it to Him in prayer. Ask Him to reveal if the prompting is from Him or not. Spending time in deep meditation with God’s Word is also helpful in allowing His Spirit to guide you. The Holy Spirit is the perfect guide, and He can help you discern if something is of God or not.

Check If It Aligns with Scripture

It’s essential to compare any prompt or message you receive with the Bible.

God’s words do not contradict themselves; they complete each other.

If what you hear goes against any scripture, it’s most likely not from God.

The devil is an expert at twisting and manipulating truth to lead us astray, so it’s vital to know the Bible enough to catch these errors.

Consider the Fruits

Jesus said that we would recognize His disciples by their fruits. Similarly, God-given prompts often bear righteous fruits.

If the message you receive is stirring up fear, confusion, or any negative emotions, it’s best to double-check it.

God’s perfect love casts out all fear, and while He may lead us in uncomfortable ways, His promptings will ultimately bear fruits of peace, love, joy, and righteousness.

Seek Godly Counsel

Suppose you’re finding it hard to confirm if something is from God or not.

In that case, it’s crucial to seek godly counsel from mature believers.

In Proverbs 11:14, we are advised to seek the advice of wise counsel, and in an abundance of counselors, there is safety.

Sharing what God has laid on your heart to trusted individuals will help you confirm if indeed what you’re receiving is from Him.

Trust and Obey

When we have taken all the necessary steps to confirm if something is from God, we need to trust and obey Him.

God will provide you with the assurance you need once you’ve done all you can to discern His will.

Part of our walk with God is a commitment to let his perfect will be done in our lives.

Trusting and obeying means going wherever He leads and doing whatever He says.

Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit

Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to guide His followers in all truth, so we should seek His wisdom and counsel.

Spend time in prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His will to you.

As you pray, listen for His still, small voice, and be open to any prompting or conviction He may bring.

Watch for confirmation

God often confirms His will to us through various means.

Look for confirmation in circumstances, such as open doors or closed doors, and pay attention to the peace or discomfort you may feel in your spirit.

Seek confirmation from trusted believers who can offer wise counsel or guidance.

And above all, look for alignment with God’s character and purposes.

Be willing to surrender

We may need to let go of certain dreams or ambitions for the sake of following God’s path for our lives.

This can be challenging, but it is always worth it in the end.

As we surrender to God’s will and trust Him, He will lead us on a journey of growth, joy, and fulfillment.

Discerning the will of God is an ongoing process that requires patience, humility, and a heart that is surrendered to Him.

As we seek to know and follow Him more deeply, may we be encouraged by His promises and led by His love.

Don’t be discouraged if the guidance you receive isn’t readily apparent or seems different from what you were expecting.

Keep in mind that God’s ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts are beyond our comprehension. Practice, pray, and trust in His guidance.

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