68 Ways how to get closer to God

by Sister McCook
Christian group holding hands and getting closer to God

In our fast-paced, constantly-connected world, it can be difficult to find time for spiritual reflection.

But taking the time to connect with God is important – for our mental, spiritual, emotional health, and for our relationships with others.

In this post, we will discuss 68 ways that you can get closer to God.

These tips can help you live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

What does it mean to get closer to God?

Getting closer to God means having a personal relationship with Him.

It means spending time with Him in prayer and Bible study, getting to know Him and His will for our lives.

It means living a life that is pleasing to Him and glorifies His name.

It means being obedient to His Word and seeking to do His will in all we do.

Getting closer to God is not just about religion or going to church.

It’s about having a personal relationship with Him.

It’s about spending time with Him, getting to know Him, and learning to love and trust Him.

What are the benefits of getting closer to God?

Peace and joy

When we get closer to God, we experience His peace and joy.

We also begin to see things from His perspective and develop a greater understanding of His will for our lives.


We are better able to resist temptation and overcome trials and challenges.

Our relationship with God grows stronger, and we become more like Him.


When we get close to God, our lives are transformed.

We become more Christ-like in our thoughts, words, and actions.

We are better able to love and serve others.

Understand His love

We have a deeper understanding of God’s love for us, and we are better able to share that love with others.

Getting close to God is the best thing we can do for our lives.

It’s a decision we make to seek Him first and follow His will for our lives.

68 Ways how to get closer to God

1. Prayer

Prayer is one of the most obvious ways to get closer to God.

Talking to God and listening for His guidance can help you align your life with His will for you.

Prayer can also help you develop a more personal relationship with God.

2. Worship

Another way to get closer to God is through worship.

When you worship God, you recognize His sovereignty and give Him glory.

Worship can be done individually or with other believers.

It is an important part of a Christian’s life and helps us to grow closer to God.

3. Study the Bible

This is how we learn about who God is and what He has done for us.

As you study the Bible, you will develop a deeper understanding of God’s character and His plan for your life.

Bible study can be done individually or in a group setting.

4. Obey God’s commands

When we obey God, we are showing Him that we love and respect Him.

Obeying His commands is not always easy, but it is one of the best ways to show our love for God.

It is also a way to grow closer to Him as we seek His will for our lives.

5. Serve others

One of the best ways to grow closer to God is to serve others.

When we serve, we are following in Jesus’ footsteps and modeling our lives after His.

Service can be done in a variety of ways, such as volunteering at a local church or non-profit organization.

6. Share your faith

When you share your faith with others, you are sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

This is a way to grow closer to God by bringing others into His fold.

It can be done in a one-on-one setting or through evangelism.

7. Fast

Fasting is a way to humble yourself before God and to seek His guidance.

It is often done in conjunction with prayer.

Fasting can help you to develop self-control and a deeper dependence on God.

8. Give to the poor

When we give to those in need, we are showing our love for God.

This is an act of mercy that can help us to grow closer to Him.

There are many ways to give, such as donating money or time, or giving of your talents.

9. Do good deeds

One of the best ways to grow closer to God is to do good deeds.

This can be done by helping others, being kind, or giving of your time and resources.

Doing good deeds is a way to show God that you love Him and want to follow His will for your life.

10. Forgive others

Forgiving others is a way to show God that you have forgiven those who have wronged you.

It is also a way to release yourself from the anger and bitterness that can come from holding a grudge.

Forgiving others is an important part of walking with God and growing closer to Him.

11. Be humble

One of the most important things you can do to grow closer to God is to be humble.

This means recognizing that He is God and you are not.

It also means submitting to His will for your life and trusting Him with the outcome.

being humble is an important part of a Christian’s life and helps us to grow closer to God.

12. Repent of your sins

When we repent of our sins, we are turning away from them and toward God.

This is an important part of the Christian life and helps us to grow closer to God.

Repenting of our sins is a way to show God that we are sorry for them and that we want to change.

13. Spend time in nature

God created the world and everything in it, so spending time in nature is a way to connect with Him.

When we are in nature, we can admire His handiwork and feel close to Him.

Spending time in nature is a great way to relax and recharge. It can also be a time to reflect on God and His goodness.

14. Help those in need

One of the best ways to grow closer to God is to help those who are in need.

This can be done by volunteering your time, donating money, or giving of your resources.

Helping those in need is a way to show God’s love to others and to grow closer to Him.

15. Pray for others

When we pray for others, we are interceding on their behalf.

This is a way to show our love for them and to grow closer to God.

Praying for others is a way to lift them up and to seek God’s guidance for their lives.

16. Give thanks

Giving thanks is a way to show our gratitude to God.

It is also a way to grow closer to Him.

When we give thanks, we are acknowledging all that He has done for us.

Giving thanks is an important part of the Christian life and helps us to grow closer to God.

17. Seek forgiveness

When we seek forgiveness, we are acknowledging our need for God’s grace.

This is an important part of the Christian life and helps us to grow closer to God.

Seeking forgiveness is a way to repent of our sins and to turn away from them.

18. Have faith

One of the most important things we can do to grow closer to God is to have faith.

This means believing in Him even when we can’t see Him.

It also means trusting Him even when things are tough.

Having faith is an important part of the Christian life and helps us to grow closer to God.

19. Be still

In order to hear from God, we need to be still.

This means quieting our minds and focusing on Him.

It is important to take time each day to be still and to listen for God’s voice.

20. Listen

In order to grow closer to God, we need to listen to Him.

This means taking time each day to hear what He has to say.

It is important to be still and to listen for God’s voice.

21. Worship with others

When we worship with other believers, we are reminded of God’s goodness and His love for us.

Worship is a way to grow closer to God and to experience His presence.

22. Confess your sins

When we confess our sins, we are admitting our need for God’s forgiveness.

This is an important part of the Christian life and helps us to grow closer to God.

Confessing our sins is a way to repent of them and to turn away from them.

23. Make time for God every day

One of the best ways to grow closer to God is to make time for Him each day.

This means setting aside time each day to pray, read the Bible, and spend time in His presence.

Making time for God is an important part of the Christian life and helps us to grow closer to Him.

24. Get rid of anything that’s holding you back from God

If there is anything in your life that is keeping you from God, it is important to get rid of it.

This might mean getting rid of bad habits, toxic relationships, or anything else that is keeping you from God.

Getting rid of anything that is holding you back from God is an important part of the Christian life and helps us to grow closer to Him.

25. Ask God for help

When we are struggling, it is important to ask God for help.

This shows our dependence on Him and our need for His strength.

Asking God for help is a way to grow closer to Him.

26. Talk to God like He’s your friend

One of the best ways to grow closer to God is to talk to Him like He’s your friend.

This means talking to Him about your day, your struggles, and your joys.

Talking to God like He’s your friend is a way to grow closer to Him.

27. Obey God

When we obey God, we are showing our love for Him.

Obeying God is also a way to grow closer to Him.

It is important to obey God’s commands and to follow His will for our lives.

28. Read the Bible every day

Reading the Bible is a great way to grow closer to God.

It is important to read the Bible every day so that we can hear from God and learn His will for our lives.

29. Memorize Scripture

One of the best ways to grow closer to God is to memorize His Word.

This means hide God’s Word in your heart so that you can always have it with you.

Memorizing Scripture is a great way to grow closer to God.

30. Meditate on God’s Word

Another great way to grow closer to God is to meditate on His Word.

This means taking time to think about what Scripture says and how it applies to your life.

Meditating on God’s Word is a great way to grow closer to Him.

31. Listen to Christian music

Listening to Christian music is a great way to grow closer to God.

It is a way to worship God and to be reminded of His goodness.

Listening to Christian music is a great way to grow closer to God.

32. Be baptized

Baptism is a way to show our love for God.

It is also a way to grow closer to Him.

Baptism is an important part of the Christian life and is a way to show our commitment to God.

33. Partake in communion

Communion is a way to remember Jesus and His sacrifice for us.

It is also a way to grow closer to God.

Communion is an important part of the Christian life and helps us to remember what Jesus did for us.

34. Go on a mission trip

Going on a mission trip is a great way to grow closer to God.

It is a way to serve others and to share the gospel with them.

Going on a mission trip is a great way to grow closer to God.

35. Serve at your church 

One of the best ways to grow closer to God is to serve at your church.

This means volunteering your time and talents to help with the various ministries and programs at your church.

Serving at your church is a great way to grow closer to God.

36. Join a small group

Joining a small group is a great way to grow closer to God.

It is a way to connect with other Christians and to grow in your faith together.

Joining a small group is a great way to grow closer to God.

37. Read Christian books and blogs

Another great way to grow closer to God is to read Christian books and blogs.

This is a way to learn more about the Christian faith and to be challenged in your own faith.

Reading Christian books and blogs is a great way to grow closer to God.

38. Find a mentor 

One of the best ways to grow closer to God is to find a mentor.

This is someone who can help you grow in your faith and who can answer any questions you have about the Christian life.

Finding a mentor is a great way to grow closer to God.

39. Surround yourself with people who love God 

One of the best ways to grow closer to God is to surround yourself with people who love God.

This means being around people who will encourage you in your faith and who will help you grow closer to God.

Surrounding yourself with people who love God is a great way to grow closer to Him.

40. Attend church every week 

Another great way to grow closer to God is to attend church every week.

This is a place where you can worship God and hear His Word.

Attending church every week is a great way to grow closer to God.

41. Get involved in a Bible study 

One of the best ways to grow closer to God is to get involved in a Bible study.

This is a great way to learn more about the Bible and to grow in your faith.

Getting involved in a Bible study is a great way to grow closer to God.

42. Take a class at a Christian college 

One of the best ways to grow closer to God is to take a class at a Christian college.

This is a great way to learn more about the Christian faith and to be challenged in your own faith.

Taking a class at a Christian college is a great way to grow closer to God.’

43. Join a Christian organization 

This is a great way to connect with other Christians and to grow in your faith together.

Joining a Christian organization is a great way to grow closer to God.

44. Attend a conference 

One of the best ways to grow closer to God is to attend a conference.

This is a great way to learn more about the Christian faith and to be challenged in your own faith.

Attending a conference is a great way to grow closer to God.

45. Go on a retreat 

This is a great way to get away from the distractions of everyday life and to focus on your relationship with God.

Going on a retreat is a great way to grow closer to God.

46. Do a Bible study with friends 

This is a great way to learn more about the Bible and to grow in your faith together.

Doing a Bible study with friends is a great way to grow closer to God.

47. Start a Bible study in your neighborhood 

This is a great way to reach out to people in your community and to grow in your faith together.

Starting a Bible study in your neighborhood is a great way to grow closer to God.

48. Be Christlike 

This means living your life in a way that reflects the love of Christ.

Being Christlike is a great way to grow closer to God.

49. Love others 

This means showing love to those around you, even if they don’t deserve it.

Loving others is a great way to grow closer to God.

50. Share the gospel 

This means sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with those who don’t know Him.

Sharing the gospel is a great way to grow closer to God.

51. Be a light in the darkness  

This means being a positive influence in the world around you.

Being a light in the darkness is a great way to grow closer to God.

52. Stand up for what’s right

Fight for others and what is good, just, and true – even if it isn’t popular.

Doing what is right – even when it isn’t easy – is a great way to grow closer to God.

53. Live out your faith 

This means living your life in a way that reflects your faith.

Living out your faith is a great way to grow closer to God.

54. Evangelize 

This means sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with those who don’t know Him.

Evangelizing is a great way to grow closer to God.

55. Be a good steward of your gifts and talents 

This means using the gifts and talents God has given you to glorify Him.

Being a good steward of your gifts and talents is a great way to grow closer to God.

56. Use your time wisely 

This means using your time to do things that will please God.

Using your time wisely is a great way to grow closer to God.

57. Use your money wisely 

This means using your money to support the things that are important to you.

Using your money wisely is a great way to grow closer to God.

58. Be a good witness for Christ in the workplace 

This means being a positive influence in the workplace.

Being a good witness for Christ in the workplace is a great way to grow closer to God.

59. Be a good witness for Christ in your relationships 

This means being a positive influence in your relationships.

Being a good witness for Christ in your relationships is a great way to grow closer to God.

60. Be a good witness for Christ in your leisure time activities 

This means being a positive influence in your leisure time activities.

Being a good witness for Christ in your leisure time activities is a great way to grow closer to God.

61. Impact the world for Christ 

This means using your life to make a difference in the world for Christ.

Impacting the world for Christ is a great way to grow closer to God.

62. Put God first in your life 

This means making God a priority in your life.

Putting God first in your life is a great way to grow closer to God.

63. Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind 

This means loving God with all of your being.

Loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind is a great way to grow closer to God.

64. Love your neighbor as yourself 

This means loving others as you love yourself.

Loving your neighbor as yourself is a great way to grow closer to God.

65. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you 

This means treating others the way you want to be treated.

Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you is a great way to grow closer to God.

66. Walk in the Spirit 

This means living your life according to the Holy Spirit.

Walking in the Spirit is a great way to grow closer to God.

67. Be led by the Spirit 

This means following the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life.

Being led by the Spirit is a great way to grow closer to God.

68. Live a life worthy of the calling you have been given 

This means living your life in a way that reflects the calling God has placed on your life.

Living a life worthy of the calling you have been given is a great way to grow closer to God.

How do you know if you’re getting closer to God?

The Bible tells us that if we love God, we will keep His commandments (John 14:15). So, one way to know if we are getting closer to God is by examining our obedience to His Word.

  • Are we obeying what we know?
  • Are we spending time in prayer and in His Word?

These are some good indicators that we are, indeed, getting closer to God.

Another way to know if we are getting closer to God is by the fruit that is evident in our lives.

The Bible tells us that the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 22:23).

  • Do people see these qualities evident in our lives?
  • Are we growing in our ability to love others?
  • Do we have joy, even in difficult circumstances?
  • Are we at peace with God and others?

These are all good signs that we are getting closer to God.

If we are truly getting closer to God, it will be evident in our lives.

We will see a growth in our obedience to Him and the fruit of His Spirit will be evident in our lives.

Let us press on to know Him more and to make Him known!


Getting closer to God is not something that happens overnight.

It is a process that takes place over time as we get to know Him more and more.

There are some things, however, that can help us to know if we are getting closer to God.

One way is by examining our obedience to His Word.

Another way is by looking at the fruit that is evident in our lives.

If we are getting closer to God, it will be evident in our lives.

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