7 MOST IMPORTANT Online Dating Tips For Christians

by Sister McCook
Online Dating as a Christian

Online dating can be a useful tool for Christians, as it allows believers to connect with others who share their faith and values.

It can be a good gift if it brings together two people who are able to discern each other’s genuine commitment to Jesus.

While some might view online dating as a lack of trust in God the truth is that faith and action are not mutually exclusive and the argument that online dating is a “lack of trust” reveals a narrow definition of our trust in God.

So if it’s okay to date online, how do we do it safely as Christians? Here are some tips to keep in mind while you do it:

1. Avoid Using Free Christian Dating Sites

While it might be tempting to use free Christian dating sites to save money, it is important to consider the potential drawbacks.

These platforms often lack the proper security measures, privacy protection, and harassment monitoring that paid services provide.

This can create an environment that attracts scammers and individuals with ill-intent, putting you at risk of fraud, data breaches, and online harassment.

Therefore, it is important to prioritize the safety and security of your online activities by opting for platforms that offer the proper security features and monitoring mechanisms that are usually offered by paid dating sites.

2. Use High-Quality Christian Dating Sites and Apps

Even though Christian dating websites might feel safer than non-Christian ones, there’s still the possibility of encountering unsuitable or harmful individuals.

When looking for Christian dating sites and apps to use, choose reputable and trusted platforms that prioritize your safety.

These platforms typically implement strict verification processes and advanced safety features to provide a secure environment for users.

By doing so, they effectively protect individuals from potential scams and fraudulent activities, ensuring a positive and enjoyable online dating experience.

Some examples of high-quality Christian dating sites are eHarmony and Christian Café.

3. Set Boundaries Early On

To ensure healthy relationships with others you conversate with on dating sites establish clear personal and spiritual boundaries right from the beginning.

Take the time to reflect on and articulate what you are comfortable with in terms of communication and physical intimacy.

This helps you prioritize your well-being and create open and respectful connections with others, which can let you know if the other person shares your faith and values.

Also if you are prone to lustful thoughts from visual triggers you should be aware of the ways dating apps can perpetuate this form of sin and stay away from the ones that could cause temptations.

4. Be Honest About Your Intentions

If you’re truly seeking a committed relationship that will eventually lead to marriage clearly communicate this intention in your profile and conversations.

Doing this helps you establish a strong foundation and effectively filter out individuals who may not share the same long-term goals and aspirations.

Maintaining this clarity ensures a better chance of finding a compatible partner who is genuinely looking for a similar level of commitment and relationship trajectory.

5. Take Your Time

When it comes to relationships, it’s important not to rush.

Spend time getting to know the person, their values, and their faith.

Understand their values, their beliefs, and their faith to figure out if you’re compatible on a deeper level before deciding to take the relationship further.

6. Keep Personal Information Private

Avoid sharing sensitive information like your home address, phone number, or financial details until you’ve established trust with the person you’re speaking with.

It’s important to exercise caution and refrain from sharing any sensitive information to safeguard yourself against potential risks and ensure the security of your personal information.

7. Seek Godly Counsel

Involve trusted mentors, friends, or family members in your dating process. They can provide valuable advice and help you stay grounded in your faith.

Having these people by your side can provide an extra layer of support and help you navigate the complexities of online dating and relationships with confidence and wisdom.

Is online dating not trusting God?

Using a Christian online dating site doesn’t mean you don’t trust God to help you find a partner.

Online dating can be considered beneficial for Christians if it brings together two individuals who share a genuine devotion to Jesus.

However, discernment is key in these situations.

Online dating sites, including those specifically designed for Christians, are known for matching individuals based on personality, religion, and preferences.

Should Christians use dating apps?

It’s okay, for Christians to use dating apps.

Using a dating app doesn’t mean that you are dissatisfied with being single or that you don’t trust in God to find you a partner.

Instead, it just provides you with more options to find the person that God is preparing for you, whom you might find on a dating app.

And about 4 in 10 Christian singles are on a dating app, that’s 40 percent of the Christian singles population.

So dating apps can be a useful tool to meet other believers when used in a Godly way.

What does the bible say about online dating and using dating apps?

The Bible does not specifically address the topic of online dating and using dating apps since they were not present during the time it was written.

However, there are biblical principles that can be applied to the concept of online dating.

1. Honesty

The Bible encourages honesty in all aspects of our lives (Proverbs 12:22). This is applicable to online dating where we should be truthful about our interests, and intentions.

2. Purity

Scriptures encourage believers to keep themselves pure (1 Corinthians 6:18-20). It’s important to maintain purity in our online interactions and relationships.

3. Wisdom and Discernment

The Bible advises us to exercise wisdom and discernment in all our undertakings (Proverbs 2:2-11).

This applies to choosing who to engage with online and being cautious about sharing personal information.

4. Godly Character

The Bible encourages believers to seek companions who exhibit Godly character (2 Corinthians 6:14). This principle can guide Christians in selecting potential partners on dating platforms.

5. Marriage

The Bible views marriage as a sacred union (Hebrews 13:4), so it’s important for Christians to approach online dating with the intention of finding a spouse, rather than casual relationships.

As with everything else, online dating should be approached with the goal of glorifying God in all things (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Are there any legitimate Christian dating sites?

Some of the most legitimate Christian dating sites are eHarmony and Christian Café.

These platforms are designed to help Christians find partners who share their faith and values, making them ideal for someone seriously looking for marriage.


eHarmony is one of the most well-known, successful, and trusted names in online dating.

The site uses a comprehensive compatibility test to match users based on 29 dimensions of compatibility.

This makes it highly likely that you’ll find someone who shares your values and lifestyle. Moreover, eHarmony’s large user base increases your chances of finding a match.

It has a detailed profile creation process that allows you to specify your religious beliefs and preferences, making it a great choice for Christian singles.

Christian Café

Christian Café, on the other hand, is a Christian-owned dating site that has been in the business since 1999, proving its credibility and dedication to the Christian community.

What sets Christian Café apart is its faith-centric features, like the option to post prayer requests or read a daily Bible verse.

These features encourage an active Christian community where people can not only seek romantic partners but also spiritual growth.

Both sites have a track record of successful matches leading to marriage, which underscores their effectiveness for Christians seeking long-term relationships.

They also have stringent security measures in place to protect their users, which makes them safe spaces to connect with others.

With the right advice, safety practices, tips, and being smart about how you approach online dating Christians can enjoy online dating and find compatible partners to build loving, long-term relationships that honor God.

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