What Does God Want From Your Money As A Christian?

by Sister McCook
Silver money coins in jar

The question of managing money is one of the most challenging and confusing yet critical topics in a Christian’s life.

Many people struggle to balance their desires to live a comfortable life with their commitment to following Christ.

Some may argue that Christians should be poor, while others believe that they should live a prosperous life.

So the question we ask today is what does God want us to do with our money as Christians?

Tithe and Give

A significant portion of the scriptures talks about the importance of tithing and giving back to God.

In Malachi 3:10, God challenges mankind to test Him with the tithe, and when we do so, He promises to bless us.

Giving 10% of our income to our place of worship, charity, or even those in need is essential in glorifying God and helping others.

Giving is an act of worship and shows God’s grace and mercy in your life.

Save and Invest

While it may seem counterintuitive or dangerous to focus on saving or investing money, it is an important aspect of managing finances.

Many people live paycheck to paycheck and never give any thought to saving or investing for the future.

Saving not only helps you prepare for the future, but it also allows you to give back to others.

Proverbs 21:20 states that if you save money, it will further your prosperity. Investing can also help you grow your wealth and provide more significant resources for you to give back.

Manage Debt

Debt can be a significant burden and a roadblock to financial freedom.

The Bible warns against racking up debt and tells us to be content with what we have, for God promises to take care of his people.

Philippians 4:19 asserts, “And my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

Christians need to be careful when borrowing money, especially when it comes to credit cards or high-interest rates.

Paying off debt should be a top priority to ensure financial freedom and compliance with God’s word.

Live within Your Means

The Bible calls for contentment in life, meaning Christians should learn to live within their means.

We need to resist the temptation of trying to keep up with the latest trends or fashion statements, knowing that we have everything we need in Christ.

Ecclesiastes 5:10 reminds us that “The one who loves money is never satisfied with money.”

Living within your means helps avoid actions that can lead to accumulating debt, increasing stress, or even putting a strain on your relationships.

Seek Wise Counsel

Finally, Christians should seek wise counsel when making financial decisions. It is vital to include counsel, including prayer, when making financial decisions.

Proverbs 11:14 recommends where there is no guidance, a people fall, but in an abundance of counselors, there is safety.

It is essential to have a trusted friend or family member to provide guidance on significant financial decisions.

Trust that God is your provider

One of the most important things we can do with our money is to trust that God is our provider and the ultimate source of our security.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that we are in control of our finances, but the truth is that God is in control.

When we trust Him, we can rest in the knowledge that He will take care of our needs.

This doesn’t mean we can be careless with our money, but it does mean that we can approach our finances with a mindset of gratitude and stewardship rather than anxiety and fear.

Give generously

As Christians, we are called to give generously and sacrificially.

Giving is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude to God and our love for others.

There are many ways to give, whether it’s supporting your church community, sponsoring a child, or donating to a charity you believe in.

The key is to approach giving with an open heart and a willingness to be generous.

If you struggle with giving, start small and work your way up.

You’ll be amazed at how your heart will change when you start giving more generously.

Budget wisely

Creating a budget is an important part of managing your money well.

It allows you to see where your money is going, prioritize your spending, and allocate your resources effectively.

When you create a budget, make sure to include all your expenses, from bills and groceries to entertainment and hobbies.

Be realistic about your income and expenses, and don’t be afraid to adjust your budget as needed.

Save for the future

Saving is another crucial aspect of managing your money well.

It’s important to have a financial cushion in case of emergencies or unexpected expenses.

When you save, you’re also investing in your future and creating opportunities for yourself and your family.

Whether you’re saving for a down payment on a house, a child’s education, or retirement, make sure to set specific goals and work towards them consistently.

It may not always be easy to save, but the long-term benefits are worth it.

Avoid the love of money

Finally, it’s important to remember that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10).

As Christians, our ultimate treasure is not in this world but in heaven. We should be careful not to let money become an idol or a source of pride.

Instead, let’s approach our finances with humility and gratitude, recognizing that everything we have is a gift from God.

When we view our money as a tool for His purposes, rather than as an end in itself, we can experience true freedom and joy.

Financial freedom and stewardship are paramount in our Christian journey.

Christians need to follow the biblical principles of tithing, giving, saving, investing, managing debt, and living within our means.

However, the most important of these principles is to have contentment and trust in God’s provision.

Christ bled and died for our sins, including our financial mistakes, and we can trust and rely on Him to provide all our needs according to His riches in glory.

Let us glorify God in all our spending and giving.

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