The Truth About Why God is Letting Bad Things Happen to us

by Sister McCook

Bad things happen to good people. That’s a fact of life.

But when bad things happen to us, we oftentimes question God and wonder why He’s allowing these dreadful moments to happen to us.

It’s natural to feel this way, especially if you are a Christian who sincerely believes in His power and grace.

If you’re struggling to understand why God is letting bad things happen in your life, it’s time to take a step back and examine what the Bible is really saying.

To help you make sense of your pain, I’ve listed some of the key reasons why God might be allowing bad things to happen to you.

To help us grow stronger in our faith

First things first, God allows bad things to happen in our lives so we can learn to trust Him more completely.

When we are faced with challenges and trials, we are forced to rely on God’s strength instead of our own.

Sometimes it’s through these experiences our faith can grow stronger.

To test our character

Trials expose our weaknesses and allow us to test our emotional, mental, and spiritual strength.

It’s through these difficult situations that we can strengthen our character, become more resilient, and even find hidden strengths we didn’t know we had.

To prepare us for a greater purpose

When we experience hard times, we can look back on them later to see how they shaped us, paved the way for greater opportunities, or even led us into a new path that we wouldn’t have found otherwise.

God Uses Bad Things for Good 

While it’s difficult to understand why God would allow bad things to happen in our lives, we can trust that he is working for our good.

Romans 8:28 says, ” And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

This doesn’t mean that bad things are good, but rather that God can take even the worst situations and use them for his glory and our growth.

This can be a difficult concept to wrap our heads around, but it’s a powerful reminder that God is always at work in our lives, even when we don’t understand what he’s doing.

We Can Find Comfort in God’s Presence 

One of the most powerful messages of the Bible is that God is with us in the midst of our struggles.

Psalm 23:4 says, “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

This is a beautiful image of God’s presence and protection in our lives, even in the midst of our darkest moments.

When we feel overwhelmed by life’s difficulties, we can turn to God for comfort and strength.

We Are Called to Help Others in Their Struggles 

The Bible calls us to be there for others who are going through difficult times.

Galatians 6:2 says, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

When we reach out to others in love and support, we not only help them through their own struggles but we also remind ourselves that we are part of a community of believers who are all working together to serve God.

To show His power and love

Sometimes God allows bad things to happen so He can show us His power and love.

When we are in trouble and call upon His name, He has the power to turn things around for us and show us His love in action.

The Bible is clear that Bad Things Will Happen 

It’s important to recognize that the Bible is clear that bad things will happen in our lives. In John 16:33, Jesus tells his disciples, “In this world, you will have trouble.”

This is not a comforting message, but it is an important one.

We live in a world that is broken and imperfect, and because of that, we will inevitably face difficulties.

However, Jesus doesn’t stop there. He goes on to say, “But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

This is a crucial reminder that even in the midst of our trials, we can find hope and peace in Christ.

In the end, we may not fully understand why God is letting bad things happen in our lives, but we can trust that He has a reason and a purpose in everything that He allows.

Whether it’s to help us grow stronger, test our character, prepare us for a greater purpose, or show us His power and love, God always has our best interests at heart.

If you’re struggling with difficult circumstances right now, remember that God is with you every step of the way.

Don’t be afraid to turn to Him for comfort, guidance, and strength.

With His help, you can overcome any obstacle that comes your way and come out on the other side stronger and more resilient than ever before.

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