Christian dating can be hard. It seems like everywhere you turn, there’s another roadblock in your way.
Whether it’s finding someone who shares your faith or trying to navigate the waters of modern dating, it can be tough to find someone worth your time.
And when you add in the fact that many Christians are hesitant to date online, it can seem downright impossible.
But don’t give up hope!
There is plenty of fish in the sea, and there are also plenty of ways to meet other Christian singles.
In this post, I’ll discuss 39 reasons why Christian dating can be so difficult – but also how it can be rewarding if you persevere.
I will also offer some tips for how you can improve your chances of finding love.
39 Reasons Why Christian Dating is Hard
1. Hesitant To Date Online
One of the main reasons why Christian dating is so hard is that many Christians are hesitant to date online.
They may have heard horror stories about people meeting strangers online or they may be worried about being judged by others.
But the truth is, there are plenty of safe and effective ways to meet someone online.
If you’re feeling nervous about it, start by trying Christian dating sites like Christian Mingle or eHarmony.
These sites have been around for years and have helped many people find love.
2. Many Rules and Expectations
Another reason Christian dating can be difficult is because there are so many rules and expectations placed on those who want to find love.
For example, many Christians are told not to have sex before marriage.
But what if you meet someone who you’re really compatible with and they want to have sex?
It can be a tough decision to make.
3. Only Date Christians
Another expectation placed on Christians is that they should only date other Christians.
But what if you meet someone who is perfect for you in every way but they don’t share your faith?
It can be a difficult decision to make, but ultimately it’s up to you.
4. Your Church May Not Have Many Singles
If you’re looking for Christian singles at your church, you may find that there aren’t many people your age.
This can be frustrating, but try not to get discouraged.
There are plenty of other ways to meet Christian singles.
You can try going to a different church, joining a Christian dating site, or even attending a singles event.
5. Your Friends May Be in Relationships
If all your friends are in relationships, it can be hard to feel like you’re the only one who’s single.
But again, don’t despair!
There are plenty of other ways to meet someone.
You can try joining a singles group at your church or even attending a speed dating event.
6. Past Your Early 20s
If you’re past your early 20s, you may feel like you’ve missed your chance to find love.
But that’s not true!
There are plenty of people in their 30s, 40s, and even 50s who are looking for love.
So don’t give up hope – there is someone out there for you.
7. Not Attending Church Regularly
If you don’t attend church regularly, it can be hard to meet other Christians.
But there are plenty of ways to meet someone without going to church.
You can try joining a Christian dating site, attending a singles event, or even starting your own group.
8. Dating Someone Who is Not a Christian
If you’re dating someone who is not a Christian, it can be difficult to find common ground.
You may have different values and beliefs, which can make things tough.
But if you’re truly compatible, you’ll be able to work through anything.
9. People are Quick to Judge
One of the downfalls of Christian dating is that people can be quick to judge.
If you’re not doing things the “right” way, they may think you’re not serious about your faith.
But again, it’s up to you to decide what’s right for you.
10. Different Denominations
If you’re a Protestant and you’re dating a Catholic, or vice versa, it can be difficult to navigate.
You may have different beliefs and practices, which can make things tough.
But if you’re truly compatible and want things to work, you’ll be able figure out ways to agree on things, set boundaries and date.
11. The Dating Scene can be Really Competitive and Superficial
Dating can be competitive because there are so many people looking for love.
And unfortunately, some people can be superficial.
They’re more interested in looks than they are in getting to know someone.
But don’t worry – there are plenty of people out there who are genuine and looking for a real relationship.
It can be hard to find someone who is truly compatible with you.
If you keep looking, you’ll eventually find someone who is perfect for you.

12. There’s No Guarantee You’ll Find Love
One of the hardest things about Christian dating is that there’s no guarantee you’ll find love.
But that’s true of any kind of dating.
If you keep looking, eventually you’ll find someone who interest you alot. Just don’t give up hope!
13. Family Members and Friends Criticize Your Relationships
If you’re dating someone, your family members and friends may criticize your relationship.
They may not approve of the person you’re dating or they may think you’re moving too fast.
This can be tough, but you have to make the decision that’s right for you.
14. You May Not Be Ready for a Relationship
If you’re not ready for a relationship, that’s okay!
There’s no shame in taking your time.
You’ll know when you’re ready, and when you are, you’ll find someone who is great for you.
15. People are Afraid to be Themselves
When it comes to Christian dating people can be afraid to be themselves.
This is with most dating actually.
They may put on a false persona in order to impress their date.
This generally doesn’t work out well in the long run.
It’s better to just be yourself from the beginning.
16. You May Feel Like You Have to Compromise Your Beliefs
If you’re dating someone, you may feel like you have to compromise your beliefs.
But if you’re truly compatible, you’ll be able to work through the relationship and set boundaries where they’re needed.
Just remember that it’s up to you to decide what’s right for you.
And make sure your relationship supports your faith.
17. You May Feel Pressure to Get Married
If you’re dating someone, you may feel pressure to get married.
But again, it’s up to you to decide what’s right for you.
Don’t marry someone until you’re sure you’re ready to be married.
There’s no shame in taking your time.
18. You May Feel Like You’re Settling
If you’re dating someone, you may feel like you’re settling.
This is especially true if you’re dating someone who isn’t a Christian.
Maybe you see potential in them and you want to help them grow in their faith.
But if you’re not truly compatible, it’s not fair to either of you.
But if you truly love each other and willing to work together, you can do it.
19. Your Relationship May Not Last
A relationship with someone can end because of many reasons.
You cannot control what the other person does.
All you can do is take things one day at a time and hope for the best.
20. You May Get Hurt
Another thing that is hard about Christian dating is that you may get hurt.
But that’s true of any kind of dating.
If you keep looking, eventually you’ll find someone who is perfect for you. Just don’t give up hope!
21. So Many Options Leads to Confusion and Frustration
One of the downfalls of Christian dating is that there are so many options.
It can be hard to know who to choose but you’ll get there.
Picking someone can be a scary thing to do.
It’s better to just pick someone and give it a try.
22. You’re Not Sure What You’re Looking For
If you’re not sure what you’re looking for, that’s okay!
There’s no shame in taking your time.
Dating should be fun.
You’ll know when you find the right person.
You’ll know when you’re ready, and when you are, don’t be hard on yourself.
Date slow and take the time to learn.
23. Your Standards are Too High
If your standards are too high, it can be difficult to find someone who meets them.
Standards are important but they shouldn’t be so high that no one can meet them.
24. You’re Not Ready to Settle Down
If you’re not ready to settle down, that’s okay!
There’s no shame in taking your time.
You’ll know when you’re ready, and when you are, you’ll find someone who is perfect for you.
25. You’ve Been Hurt in the Past
If you’ve been hurt in the past, it can be difficult to open yourself up to someone new.
Pray about your past hurt and ask God to help you heal.
This will make it easier to trust someone new.
26. You’re Not Sure What You Want in a Relationship
If you’re not sure what you want in a relationship, that’s okay!
There’s no shame in taking your time.
It’s better to take your time than to rush in a relationship and then regret it later.
27. You’re Too Busy to Date
If you’re too busy to date, that’s okay!
Life happens and sometimes it’s hard to find time for dating.
But if and when you’re truly ready to date, you’ll make time for it.

28. Your Friends/Family Don’t Approve of Your Relationship
If your friends or family don’t approve of your relationship, that can be difficult.
Criticism from our loved ones can be hard to take but it’s important to remember that they just want what’s best for us.
Pray about the situation and ask God to give you guidance.
29. Dating can be Expensive
Dating can be expensive, especially if you’re going on a lot of dates.
It’s important to remember that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to have a good time.
There are plenty of free or low-cost activities you can do to have fun.
30. You May Not Be Compatible
Being compatible with someone you’re dating is very important.
This can make or break any relationship.
It’s important to be honest with each other about your expectations and needs.
And if you’re not compatible, it’s better to end things sooner rather than later.
31. Bombarded With Images of “perfect” Relationships in the Media
It can be hard to find a good Christian partner when you’re bombarded with images of “perfect” relationships in the media.
But it’s important to remember that those relationships are not always as perfect as they seem.
And even if they are, they’re not the only kind of relationship out there.
Look for a partner with God in mind not what the world tells you a relationship should be.
32. Dating Is Hard Because It’s a Very Personal Process
Dating is hard because it’s a very personal process.
It’s different for everyone and there is no “right” way to do it.
The best thing you can do is be yourself and be honest with your date.
If it doesn’t work out, that’s okay! You’ll find someone who is right for you.
You have to be vulnerable and put yourself out there.
33. You Feel Like You Have to Compromise Too Much
No one who is serious about you should ever ask you to do something that goes against your values, faith and standards.
And you should never compromise on them either.
You shouldn’t compromise your Christian faith or your values but you may have to compromise on some other things.
34. You’re Tired of Being Single
If you’re tired of being single, that’s okay!
It’s natural to want to be in a relationship.
But it’s important to remember that being single is not a bad thing.
And if you’re not ready to date, that’s okay! You’ll find someone when you’re ready.
There’s no shame in taking your time.
35. The Hook-up Culture Makes Finding Love Seem Impossible
With so many people having different standards and expectations with dating, things can become complicated.
Take your time to find someone that shares your Christian values and similar expectations when it comes to dating.
36. Dating Today is Very Different from When Our Parents Dated
In today’s world, there are so many different ways to date.
It can be hard to know which one is right for you.
Sometimes you try a few ways and they might not work, which makes things very discouraging.
Believe that things will work out and you will find the right person when the time is right.
37. It’s Hard to Know Who you can Trust
When you start dating someone, it’s hard to know who you can trust.
You have to be vulnerable and put yourself out there.
Being vulnerable is not easy, but it’s worth it to find someone you can trust.
38. Your Faith is Important to You
There is no reason to compromise your Christian faith for a relationship.
God is still an important part of your life and you want a partner that agrees with that as well.
39. You Want to Be in a Healthy Relationship
It’s important to be in a healthy relationship, both physically and emotionally.
You don’t want to settle for anything less than that.
It’s worth it to wait for the right person who will love and respect you.
BONUS: You May Be Tempted to Have Sex Before Marriage
If you’re dating someone, you may be tempted to have sex before marriage.
But it’s important to remember that sex is a very special thing and it should be saved for marriage.
If you have sex before marriage, you may regret it later and you’re committing a sin in the eyes of God.
And this means that you’re compromising your Christian values.
Something you should never do.
15 Christian Dating Tips to Help You Find Love
Christian dating can be tough but you shouldn’t lose hope.
If you’re a Christian looking for love, here are 15 tips that can help you find the right person.
1. Be Prayerful
Prayer is a powerful tool that can help you in all aspects of your life, including dating.
When you pray for guidance, God will lead you to the right person.
2. Get Involved in Your Church
One of the best places to meet potential partners is at your church.
Get involved in the activities and meet people who share your values.
3. Try Online Dating
If you’re looking for a more convenient way to meet people, try online dating.
There are Christian dating sites that can help you find the right person for you.
4. Be Patient
It’s important to be patient when you’re dating.
You might not find the perfect person right away, but if you keep trying, you will eventually find someone who is right for you.
5. Have Fun
Dating should be fun!
Don’t take it too seriously and enjoy getting to know new people.
6. Be Yourself
It’s important to be yourself when you’re dating.
Don’t try to be someone you’re not.
The right person will love you for who you are.
7. Get to Know The Person
Take your time and get to know the person you’re dating.
Don’t rush into a relationship.
Ask questions and find out what the other person’s values and expectations are.
Take your time and make sure this is the right person for you.
8. Be Open-minded
Don’t be afraid to try new things.
Be open-minded and you might just find the right person for you.
9. Communicate
Communication is key in any relationship.
Make sure you’re communicating your needs and wants to your partner.
10. Respect Each Other’s Differences
Even though you’re dating someone with similar Christian values, there will still be some differences.
Respect each other’s differences and learn to compromise.
11. Make God a Priority
In any relationship, it’s important to make God a priority.
He should be the center of your relationship.
12. Pray Together
One of the best ways to grow closer to God is to pray together.
Praying together can help you build a strong foundation for your relationship.
13. Have Realistic Expectations
It’s important to have realistic expectations when you’re dating.
You’re not going to find the perfect person, so don’t expect them to be perfect.
14. Be Willing to Compromise
In any relationship, there will be times when you have to compromise.
Be willing to compromise and make sacrifices for the sake of your relationship.
15. Change Your Routine
Get involved in activities outside of your normal routine.
This gives you a chance to meet new people and do things that you wouldn’t normally do.
But still in a way that doesn’t cause you to go against your faith.
Dating is hard, but it’s not impossible.
If you’re a Christian, there are certain values and standard yous should uphold.
At the end of the day, it’s important to be open to God’s will.
He knows what’s best for you and He will lead you to the right person.
These are just some of the reasons why Christian dating is hard and a few tips that can help you in your Christian dating journey.
Remember to pray for guidance and be patient.
Even though Christian dating can be tough, remember that God is in control.
He will lead you to the right person if you trust Him. Just keep dating and don’t give up hope!
Did you find these tips helpful? Are there any other tips you would add? Share your thoughts in the comments below!